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Nail the "Why Work From Home?" Question: Expert Interview Tips

By Drew Moffitt

Many professionals are asked ‘why do you want to work from home’ during job interviews. The benefits, like enhanced work-life balance, fewer distractions, and a flexible schedule, make remote work appealing for many. This article explores these aspects and provides strategies to help you craft a compelling response that aligns your personal motivations with business benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • Articulate the benefits of remote work by highlighting factors like better work-life balance, fewer workplace distractions, and a flexible schedule.
  • Emphasize how remote work can enhance productivity, reduce operational costs, and access a broader talent pool from an employer’s perspective.
  • Prepare a professional and strategic response for remote job interviews, focusing on aligning personal motivations with company benefits and practicing your delivery.

Understanding the appeal of remote work

Colleagues using different devices and gadgets

If you have been working remotely you’ll understand the benefits, risks and the joys of software like Kumospace. Even if you’re new to the concept of remote work, it is easy to grasp the basics. The allure of a remote job extends beyond the surface conveniences. It taps into a deeper understanding of what modern-day professionals seek—a synthesis of autonomy, efficiency, and balance, as they increasingly want to work remotely.

Let’s dive into the core aspects that make remote work appealing and a transformative work environment.

A better work-life balance

The quest for a better work-life balance is not just a trendy catchphrase; it’s a fundamental shift in how we approach our careers and lives. Remote work allows employees to seamlessly integrate work with personal activities, from scheduling doctor’s appointments to enjoying morning runs.

The absence of a daily commute alone gives us time back, promoting healthier lifestyles and a calmer state of mind. Moreover, the flexibility to work during peak hours of personal productivity can lead to a more harmonious relationship between professional and private spheres.

Fewer Workplace Distractions

The home office can become a sanctuary of concentration, a place where workplace distractions are held at bay. Remote workers can craft an environment tailored to their productivity needs without the constant buzz of in-office colleagues and impromptu meetings. This control over your workspace helps you to stay focused and encourages a deeper immersion into work tasks, often leading to a noticeable uptick in output.

Flexible schedules

Flexibility in scheduling is like the secret sauce to employee satisfaction. It’s the freedom to decide on your work hours, aligning them with your internal clock and life’s demands. The resulting improvements in morale and job satisfaction are palpable as remote workers tailor their schedules to their most productive times, sidestepping the rigid nine-to-five for a rhythm that sings harmoniously with their lifestyles.

Demonstrating value to employers

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While the benefits of remote work for employees are clear, it’s equally important to articulate its value from an employer’s perspective. Let’s unpack how remote work enhances job performance, trims operational costs, and extends the reach of companies in the talent market.

Increased productivity

Far from the myth that remote work invites lethargy, studies affirm that remote workers often report higher productivity levels than their in-office counterparts. This boost is attributed to the ability to work with fewer distractions, a personalized remote work environment, and more control over their time management while working remotely.

Moreover, under direct supervision, the time saved from commuting can be reallocated to work tasks or rest, ensuring that employees are fresh and ready to tackle their responsibilities with vigor.

Cost savings

When it comes to the bottom line, remote work is a major cost saver. Employers can significantly reduce expenses related to maintaining large office spaces, utilities, and other resources when their workforce is distributed.

Moreover, the flexibility of remote jobs can lead to improved employee retention, slashing the costs and disruptions associated with high turnover rates, which is one of the remote work benefits.

Access to a broader talent pool

Casting a wider net in the talent pool is yet another compelling advantage for companies embracing remote work. The geographical constraints of hiring are dissolved, paving the way for a more diverse and skilled workforce to come together in remote teams.

By tapping into different regions, employers can also benefit from varied perspectives and potentially round-the-clock operations, thanks to varying time zones.

Preparing your answer

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Crafting an answer that resonates with interviewers requires:

  • Preparation and strategy
  • Merging your personal motivations with the company’s business objectives
  • Practicing your delivery
  • Being ready for the curveballs an interview might throw your way.

Research the company

Before stepping into the virtual interview room, a deep dive into the company’s culture and their stance on remote work is crucial. This research equips you with the knowledge to align your answer with the company’s values, demonstrating that your desire to work remotely is not just a personal preference but a strategic fit. 

Understand what makes remote companies thrive and show where these elements can fit in with the new business.

Align personal motivations with business benefits

Your motivations for a remote role should be woven into a narrative highlighting tangible benefits for the employer. Instead of focusing solely on eliminating your commute, frame it as a gain in productivity and extended availability for work tasks. It’s a delicate balance of showcasing how your well-being translates into a win for the company.

Practice your responses

Nothing beats the confidence of a well-rehearsed answer. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your interview on remote work’s advantages:

  1. Practice articulating your thoughts on remote work’s advantages.
  2. Simulate the interview environment with a friend or by recording yourself.
  3. This will help you refine your message and ensure that you deliver it with clarity and poise when it matters most.

What to avoid when answering

Happy enterprise workers communicating via different devices

While honesty is key, there are pitfalls to avoid when discussing your preference for remote work. Avoid focusing on personal convenience and maintain a professional posture throughout the conversation.

Avoid overly personal reasons

Discussions about remote work should transcend personal conveniences. Avoid centering your reasons on aspects like staying in pajamas all day or watching over family members during work hours. Employers are looking for a professional mindset, not a personal comfort list.

Don’t highlight negative aspects of office work

While you might have reservations about in-office work, an interview is not the platform to air them. Keep the conversation positive and forward-looking, focusing on how remote work enhances your ability to contribute to the company without denigrating the traditional office setting.

Stay professional, but be yourself

Upholding professionalism means emphasizing how remote work aligns with your work ethic and productivity. Discuss how this arrangement can amplify your contributions and benefit the team as a whole, rather than presenting it as a mere personal preference.

That said, don’t come across as a corporate drone, spouting marketing platitudes and lazy jargon. Have opinions and express them, backing them up with insights or stats and show how you are good at brainstorming or collaboration.

Sample answers

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Crafting your response is an art; sometimes, having a template can make all the difference. Here are sample answers encapsulating productivity, flexibility, and company culture alignment, giving you a blueprint for your interview.

Emphasizing productivity

An answer focusing on productivity could highlight your ability to eliminate distractions and tailor your workspace to maximize focus and output. Mention how this autonomy in managing tasks has led to concrete results in previous roles, such as a substantial increase in project deliverables or enhanced quality of work.

Focusing on flexibility

Flexibility can be a game-changer, and your answer should reflect that. Discuss the benefits of adapting your work hours to when you’re most productive and how this flexibility has previously led to better project outcomes or more innovative solutions.

Highlighting fit with company culture

Aligning with company values is crucial. Your response could illustrate how remote work supports the company’s commitment to work-life balance, environmental sustainability, or community engagement, showcasing a deep understanding of and fit with the company’s mission and culture.

Tips for remote job interviews

Online study courses with laptops

Acing a remote job interview requires finesse and an understanding of the virtual and remote landscape. Here are some tips to ensure you come across as the ideal candidate for a remote role.

Setting up your environment

First impressions matter, even virtually. Here are some tips to create a professional virtual interview setup:

  1. Choose a quiet, private space.
  2. Use a professional backdrop.
  3. Ensure adequate lighting to show you’re taking the interview seriously.
  4. Create a conducive work environment.

Using remote collaboration tools

Demonstrate your tech-savviness by familiarizing yourself with the various remote collaboration tools integral to remote work. This shows your adaptability and reassures the employer of your ability to connect virtually and manage work tasks effectively. 

Also, highlight the quirks of these tools, like Apple products defaulting to your iPhone even when you aren’t using it, or Windows choosing the wrong audio settings. And don’t be afraid to call out Zoom and Teams as boring pieces of software that can cripple attempts at progress among creative teams.

Showing confidence and initiative

Confidence and initiative are both your allies. Share anecdotes highlighting your skills in working independently and navigating remote work challenges, such as coordinating across different time zones or spearheading a remote project to success.


Navigating the waters of a remote job interview can be daunting, but with the right preparation, you can convincingly articulate your desire to work from home. Emphasize the mutual benefits, align with the company culture, and practice your response. Remember, remote work isn’t just about personal comfort—it’s about finding a balance that enhances productivity and contributes to a company’s success.

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Drew Moffitt

Drew leads marketing at Kumospace. Prior to joining Kumospace, he spent his career founding and operating businesses. His work has been featured in over 50 publications. Outside of work, Drew is an avid skier and sailor. A wholehearted extrovert, he organizes VentureSails, a series of networking events for founders and tech investors.

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